Despite the impact of COVID19, Paul has continued to lead the national Quality in Careers Standard acting as its national Director accountable to the Quality in Careers Consortium Board.
Much of the work of the Consortium has been undertaken virtually (using ZOOM PRO). This has included Board meetings and the first ZOOM PRO “National Relicensing Panel” for one of the Licensed Awarding Bodies – resulting in future Panels in early 2021 becoming scheduled as ZOOM PRO virtual events.
In March 2020 Paul chaired and hosted three public events on the national Standard for schools and colleges (one in Newcastle upon Tyne, in Birmingham and in Bristol). COVID19 has put an end to plans for more public events in 2021, but with DfE funding continuing the Consortium is launching a Virtual Event in February 2021 which Paul and colleagues have been pre-recording at the latter end of 2020.
Paul’s work with Axia Digital continues to be a rewarding additional part of his portfolio career – he is delighted to play a small part in the increasing success of the Axia e-portfolio approach to recording CPD.