With the Quality in Careers Standard firmly embedded now as part of the national CEAIG fabric, the Quality in Careers Consortium Board resignated Paul’s original role of Project Leader for the Standard to be “Director of the Quality in Careers Standard”.
Paul’s regular work with the Quality in Careers Standard during the first part of 2015 has included:
- updating the case studies/adding new case studies to the sections of the Careers England website Paul continues to maintain covering Careers Guidance in Schools & Colleges and the Quality in Careers Standard http://www.careersengland.org.uk/careersguidance.php?page=casestudies
- meeting an MP who serves on the House of Commons Education Select Committee about QiCS
- meeting with a potential provider of modules to support ‘careers education’ for pupils in Primary Schools, especially those approaching transition to Secondary School – leading to links with three CEIAG Quality Award providers being set up.
- leading a workshop for all of England’s 12 CEIAG Quality Award providers on the revision to the national validation criteria for QiCS, held at the University of Derby. This included an excellent input by Professor Tristram Hooley on the Sutton Trust research on the impact of CEIAG Quality Awards on school performance. Details are shown here: http://www.careersengland.org.uk/quality.php?page=QiCS_press_notices
Paul has also chaired two National Validation Panels (for Cambridgeshire’s and for Sheffield’s CEIAG Quality Awards) – both awards successfully gaining the Quality in Careers Standard national validation.
And he has also worked with colleagues to migrate the QiCS pages from the Careers England website to the newly-established dedicated website for all Quality in Careers matters: www.qualityincareers.org.uk