Boundary Partnership
Consultancy in careers education and guidance
Introducing Paul
Introducing Alison
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Alison starts 2014 with a matrix assessment in Scarborough
January 6, 2014
Paul Chubb
Filed Under:
Paul’s work in 2021-22
Paul’s work in 2020
Paul’s update on work, the Dales School and church: July 2019
Paul’s latest 2018 Work
Welcome to 2018: latest news on our activities
Paul continues his role with the Quality in Careers Consortium 2017
Alison completes further matrix assesment, January 2017
Paul reappointed as Company Secretary for Citizen Connect Ltd (trading as Axia Digital), May 2016
Alison completes further matrix Standard work (January-June 2016)
History of England’s CEIAG Quality Awards and Quality in Careers published: April 2016